Whether you have a heat stroke and are literally overheated or have a fever, it is first and foremost important to stay hydrated. But there are a few more easy and effective ways to lower your body temperature.

10 natural remedies that will lower your body temperature




Cold foot bath


Putting your feet in cold water cools your body and helps you relax. Just put cold water and ice cubes in a bucket of water. Soak your feet and soak them for up to 20 minutes. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for extra cooling effect.


Coconut water


Drinking coconut water is a great way to refresh and revitalize your body. The vitamins, minerals and electrolytes in coconut water make it an effective way to rehydrate and restore your body when you experience heat stress. 


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Mint is known for its cooling properties due to its high menthol content, which makes a person feel cool. You can make hot or iced mint tea and drink it throughout the day. While hot tea can make you feel hotter, drinking hot beverages can help you sweat more and cool your body.




Moisturizing foods


Eat lots of foods high in water. Fruits like melon, watermelon and strawberries are good options. Eat lots of vegetables such as celery, cucumber, green pepper and cauliflower. Make a fruit or vegetable smoothie with more ice.


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Breathing "Sitali"


This yoga breathing technique has a cooling effect on your body and mind. It literally means cooling breathing. It helps you relax and cool down both physically and mentally.


How to achieve it:


Sit in a comfortable sitting position.

Stick out your tongue and roll the outer edges inwards. If you can't achieve it, just purse your lips. 

Inhale slowly through your mouth.

Then exhale through the nose.

This is a circle.

Keep breathing for up to 5 minutes.


Lightweight clothing


Wear loose, light clothing made of natural fabrics such as cotton, linen or silk. Scientists are developing fabrics designed specifically to cool you down. They are often designed for sports and outdoor activities.



Aloe vera


The leaves and inner gel of this medicinal plant can help lower body temperature. You can apply aloe vera gel on your skin for a cooling effect. Aloe vera can also be consumed internally. Use 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel in a glass of water to make a drink.


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Drinking buttermilk can help cool the body and improve metabolism. In addition, buttermilk is full of probiotics, vitamins and minerals that will help you restore your body's natural energy if you feel exhausted from the heat. Try drinking a glass of cold buttermilk. Adding honey or yogurt is optional, but can make the taste better.